
Welcome to PixInsight Resources. This website is dedicated to provide practical resources to PixInsight image analysis and processing plataform. Tutorials, videos and resources offered here do not represent official resources. They were created by Alejandro Tombolini (Próxima Sur) and Enzo De Bernardini (Astronomía Sur) with several contributors in order to provide useful material to PixInsight community. Enjoy!

Video Tutorials

Video tutorials about PixInsight's user interface, basic processes and other several application's functions.

Video Tutorials

Processing Examples

Examples of astrophotography processing, showing processes and techniques.

Processing Examples


Articles and notes presenting specific processes, tutorials and application of processing techniques.


Try our camera frame simulator for astrophotography



PixInsight Comercial License

Purchase Commercial License at Official Website

Note: we only provide the link to the official site. We don't have any business relationship with it.

Latest Version
Windows 1.9.3
Linux 1.9.3
OS X 1.9.3