Frequently used short names
by Alejandro Tombolini
It is customary among PixInsight users name some process and scripts with abbreviations or short names. Here are some examples that can be found on PixInsight forum posts or in this site.
- ATrousWaveletTransform - ATWT
- AutomaticBackgroundExtraction - ABE
- BackgroundNeutralization - BN
- BatchPreprocessing - BPP
- CanonBandingReduction - CBR
- ColorCalibration - CC
- CurvesTransformation - CT
- DarkStructureEnhance - DSE
- DynamicAlignment - DA
- DynamicBackgroundExtraction - DBE
- GradientMergeMosaic - GMM
- HDRComposition - HDR
- HDRMultiscaleTransform - HDRMT
- HistogramEqualization - HE
- HistogramTransformation - HT
- ImageCalibration - IC
- ImageIntegration - II
- InterChannelCurves - ICC
- LocalHistogramEqualization - LHE
- MorphologicalTransformation - MT
- MultiscaleMedianTransform - MMT
- ScreenTransferFunction - STF
- StarAlignment - SA
- TGVDenoise - TGV
Unlisted processes are not usually called with short names.
Last Update: 27/11/2023 04:02 UT