
Messier 51

by Alejandro Tombolini


Image of Lex publicated in Image Processing Challenges. Main notes: CBR and DEB to correct background, Convolution to reduce noise pattern, sharpen with MMT. Date: May 2012.


StarAlignment with L as reference.

Messier 51

DynamicBackgroundExtraction to L (Notice that I am working with out STF)

M 51

HistogramEqualization to a Clone.

M 51

CanonBandingReduction Scriptto see results in the clone.

M 51

Delete the clone and CanonBandingReduction to image.

M 51

Open B channel and DynamicBackgroundExtraction.

M 51

B channel after DynamicBackgroundExtraction and the noise I was talking about.

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Open G channel and DynamicBackgroundExtraction.

M 51

G channel after DynamicBackgroundExtraction.

M 51

RGB Combination (ChannelCombination).

M 51

Whit AberrationInspector Script generate a the preview for BackgroundNeutralization.

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M 51

Increasing protection of RangeMask with MorphologicalTransformation.

M 51

Convolution before and after protecting stars with RangeMask.

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SCNR to Green.

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Noise reduction. MultiscaleMedianTransform protecting the galaxy with RangeMask.

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HDRMT protecting galaxy core with RangeMask.

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New HDRMT protecting with new Range Mask.

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M 51

Luminance Mask applying HistogramTransformation and ATrousWaveletTransform on inversed Luminance.

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ColorSaturation protecting background with Luminance Mask.

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CurvesTransformation protecting background with Luminance Mask.

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A little noise reduction in Chrominance with ACDNR.

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MultiscaleMediaTransform with RangeMask.

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HistogramTransformation protecting background with RangeMask.

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MorphologicalSelection with starmask.

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Still too noisy.

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HistogramTransformation to inverted Luminance.

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Noise reduction. Convolution.

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Final Image.

M 51

Last Update: 27/11/2023 03:53 UT